project record

Griston bog Ballylanders, Co.Limerick

Wheelchair accessible unit+urinal on top of a boardwalk deck. Client: Ballyhoura Development

Shackleton gardens, Clonsilla, Dublin

2 wheelchair accessible toilets with solar lighting and an on-site treatment array Client: Fingal county Council

ZIPIT forest adventures, Dublin

This project included an installation of a double unit, high capacity Clivus Multrum unit. The site is remote and away from services. The building was built off-site and the foundations made of Native Oak "stillts". This unit serves an average of 200 users per day and is fully wheelchair accessible

Butlers Bridge Trout Anglers, County Cavan

This project involved an installation of a wheelchair-accessible dry toilet Kazuba KL2 on the bank of a beautiful lake. The toilet serves the public of fishermen and tourist-attraction visitors and took 2 days only to install and commission